Wednesday 25 April 2007

Save our NHS Group

Received this email when I got back from putting out my second leaflet this morning.

Hi Donald,
It was good to have met you last week. I've had a look at your leaflet and the website...I think you're right that there's an appetite for change and that people are generally disillusioned with what is euphemistically known as political democracy. Most people I've met in the last week or so aren't too thrilled with party politics.
They've also raised a lot of the issues you highlight...Marks & Spencer, Stobhill Hospital, profiteering from the building of schools, ineffective council, etc. I have to say, I even agree with what you say...maybe I should be switching allegiance?????!
Anyway, I hope you do well...we're getting a good response - especially in Bishopbriggs and Alexandria - but we have such a lot of ground to cover in a short time.
Anyway, whatever happens I think you and your group should be commended for making a stand and being politically apolitical!
Best wishes and good luck,
Andrew Billson-Page
Save our NHS Group

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